Sunday, May 16, 2010

I know it's a bit sad.....

I scored these two beauties the other day after swapping a friend an old tv stand for her young un who is soon to be moving out of home and I think I might have got the better end of the deal here- according to me anyway! Now they could be filled with lovely magazines or even some toys as they are sitting in front of the window in the living room (sorry, took the pic at night so the blind is down) but in true "I'm a busy person and I can only paint stuff at night when the fishes have gone to bed" style they are of course filled with paint tins and my drop cloth so I can get paintin' in a hurry and have everything handy. It's a bit said I know and Mr Fish just shakes his head but it works for me and one day they will be a nice home to something a bit more glamorous than paint tins. So there you go....

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